Sunday, November 15, 2015

Catherine Opie

Alex Rhodes
November 15, 2015
            Catherine Opie was born in Sandusky, Ohio in 1961. She was so interested in photographer Lewis Hines she had asked for a camera for her ninth birthday. She had gotten a Kodak Instamatic on her birthday. Right away she had started taking photographs of her family and neighborhood. In 1985 she had gotten a BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute. She had also received an MFA from California Institute of the Arts in 1988.
            She had then gotten into doing portraits of lesbians and gay community in Los Angeles. She had also taken photographs of the Los Angeles roads and landscapes. She then went back to the lesbian community for her subjects. Catherine had wanted to take more photographs of different landscapes. She decided to take photographs of the New York financial district also she had taken photographs of Minnesota in Icehouses and Skyways.
            Catherine Opie has had solo shows in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles in 1997. Also she had one in Saint Louis Art Museum in 2000, The Photographers’ Gallery in London in 2000, Walker Art Center in Minneapolis in 2002, and many more. Catherine had taught at the Yale University also at the University of California. As of today Catherine lives and works at Los Angeles.
            She is still creating her work and is most famous for the photographs she has been taking of the lesbian women she makes look like men. She wants to make everyone think about what they see from what they really are. Everyone knows Catherine for her series Chicken.
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