Sunday, October 4, 2015

Interpreting Photographs...

I believe that this photo represents that nothings perfect but people can have fun no matter what and without judgement. It frames this womens tip of the nose to almost the bottom of her chin. It shows this womens whole smile at an angle. The lighting is making the women look more orange then her natural skin tone. The colors are orange, whites, greys, reds, skin tones, blacks, and browns. You see this big huge smile of this women with plaque at the gumline at the top of her teeth and the lipstick spots that she had not looked and fixed. Her nose is blurred as if its trying to be blend in with her other skin as if it's not there.

This photo makes me think of no ones perfect they put on this stuff to dress them up and make these mask. But this women shows the imperfection. She has a mask on but doesn't want to anymore. That she wants to break out of her mask and be herself show everyone she isn't the person she's showing. This women wants to be herself but is afraid to because she doesn't want to be judged for being herself. She smiles behind the mask she's wearing but in the inside she is sad, lonley, has no confidance, and is upset about the way she is.

She thinks that if she's herself that she will be judged and no one will like her and want to stay in her life. When she starts showing some of her imperfections though she finds out that her friends and family don't care. That they still love her and want her to be herself. She still has doubts though and still hides some for now until later on when she finally let's out all of herself and finds love in all her friends and family. She is getting closer and closer to being her true self.

If you look at this photo as I had said before the imperfections of her plaque and lipstick dots on her teeth helped me figure this story. Also the perfection of her lipstick not smudged anywhere around her lips the perfect color of them. Those things helped me with this story for this paper.

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