Friday, September 4, 2015

Jazz Jennings

Alex Rhodes
                     The photo that stands out to me and that I love so much is of a girl named Jazz Jennings. Jazz is a transgender female. In the photo I love of her she is in a mermaid suit that she had made. The photo is so beautiful she is under the water. Her hair is floating, her tail is so beautiful, and the way she's posed is just perfect timing on the photographers part. Her photo makes her stand out with the light blue water surrounding her as she swims care free. Her bright tail just shows the brightness of her personality. Jazz's photo to me is amazing it shows everyone kind of who she is. That inspires me. She's a teenage transgender that has had a hard life but has gotten through it. Jazz's photo is just like any little girls dream and that's to be a mermaid and be themselves. This photo means a lot to me in supporting Jazz and anyone else that is transgender.

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