Monday, September 28, 2015

Frame, Vantage Point, Detail, Time, and the thing itself.

This is my photo to my vantage point. I really like this photo because it's just a different angle. You just look at it different then you would if you were holding it. Also I'm in love with Vans shoes. 

This next one is my photo of detail. I find this photo interesting. I like how you have to figure out whats going on. That you really don't know what the image is. It shows different shapes and lines it's just beautiful. 
This next one is my photo for frame. I love this photo because my sisters boyfriend and my boyfriend have a bromance going on. My photo was to make it look like they were a married couple. My boyfriend being the woman acting all happy and exited and my sisters boyfriend acting as if he is not so happy about the situation. 
This next one is my photo for the thing itself.  When I look at this photo I think of what has happened to society. As if they always think kids in this generation are always on the computer. In this picture it  shows an imaginary person their in the chair. As if we are always on it know matter what. 
The last one is my photo for time. I love this one. This is a photo with a medium exposer light. It was about 28 seconds. My sister was in the house me outside and our window was up. She turning on and off the light which created this beautiful interesting light. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Patriotic View

               This photo is a little trinket that my mom has outside of her house. I love how that their is rust developing on the star. It's very patriotic and makes it look like it is a soldier that just got out and is on the streets losing everything that he or she ever had. It reminds me of the song Wrong Side of Heaven by Five Finger Death Punch that tells the story of soldiers that come home losing everything living on the streets. Some become something more then some become homeless on the streets no one caring about them but other soldiers. Some end up getting ptsd a stress disorder. This photo shows that to me at least hopefully it shows the same story to you if not another story maybe. For all the soldiers on the streets and the fallen soldiers thank you.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Flow Chart

Flow Chart

               Joe Page is the artist behind this fantastic art work known as the flow chart. His inspirations for this work is video games, clouds, bubbles, some pictures he took of the earth, and some artist paintings of clouds. Examples: Olafur Eliason (the weather project), Walter McConnell (unfired stoneware), and Takuma Tomo (sand and stone garden). He wanted his work to be bright colored and make you feel like you were being transported to another world just like video games. He loved how clouds have illusion of space and make you feel like your dreaming. He loves how clouds can tell a story by the different shapes they came in and could be. He said "Care Bears come down from the clouds to assist you in time of need," he felt when looking at one of the greeting cards made by American Greetings. Materials he used were pink foam, polystyrene which was like cotton candy but was very toxic, and vynal. He wanted to use 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional views. He wanted people to walk around and wheel around on clouds to look at his work to make it more interesting. He said his work was like a network or a board game. He wanted to make people touch the work instead of people only being able to look at his work. His work means everything to him when he sees the interaction and enjoyment on peoples faces. He gets help from students and faculty from the universities he goes to.
               I love Joe Page's work. It bring out the kid in everyone. I believe it's inspiring to every person that loves anything art related. He makes things so active and bright it's so fun. It shows a different side of life as if you are in a video game or in a dream. His work is so beautiful to me. He will and has inspired so many students and professors. It has been an honor being able to look and learn about his art. He inspires me to do different and new things.   

Friday, September 4, 2015

Jazz Jennings

Alex Rhodes
                     The photo that stands out to me and that I love so much is of a girl named Jazz Jennings. Jazz is a transgender female. In the photo I love of her she is in a mermaid suit that she had made. The photo is so beautiful she is under the water. Her hair is floating, her tail is so beautiful, and the way she's posed is just perfect timing on the photographers part. Her photo makes her stand out with the light blue water surrounding her as she swims care free. Her bright tail just shows the brightness of her personality. Jazz's photo to me is amazing it shows everyone kind of who she is. That inspires me. She's a teenage transgender that has had a hard life but has gotten through it. Jazz's photo is just like any little girls dream and that's to be a mermaid and be themselves. This photo means a lot to me in supporting Jazz and anyone else that is transgender.